четверг, 22 октября 2015 г.

Ukrainian Wedding Traditions: the Past and the Present

Hello. You can’t overestimate the importance of wedding. It’s one of the greatest events for the two people, who have decided to unite their lives. Those of you, who want to know more about Ukraine women for marriage can read an article here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/aboutukrladies.htm.

Probably, you would also like to know how the weddings take place in Ukraine, am I right? There’re a lot of traditions in Ukraine which you can’t find in any other country. So now I’ll describe you some of them.

1. Pre-wedding traditions

The first tradition, which takes place before the wedding is called “smotryny”. The parents of the bride come to the groom’s house in order to meet the groom’s parents, even if they know each other for many years.  Nevertheless, the groom’s parents clean the house and sometimes even borrow some expensive things, so that their house looked more presentable.

Both families sit around the table and talk about the future wedding. Then they buy wedding rings. After that a bride bakes buns, called “shishka” and sends them to the people, she wants to invite to the wedding ceremony. Sometimes other Russian girls help her with cooking.

 2. Bride token

A few centuries ago, bride’s parents demanded a kind of ransom for their daughter. A groom had to pay some money to cover the losses from losing a young and able-to-work girl.

Nowadays, this tradition serves for entertainment. Russian girls, bride’s friends, write a scenario and make up some quests, which a groom must fulfill. If he fails, he pays with small coin or sweets. After all the tasks, a groom meets his bride and kisses her.

This sweet tradition, as well as the experience of other married couples, http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/marriages.htm only proves, how exciting it will be to marry a girl from Ukraine. You can do it too if you register at our Ukraine marriage agency.

3. The wedding feast

But the main event of the day is a great and solemn wedding feast, accompanied by many other traditions. According to one of them, a groom gives a round loaf on the towels to a single girl. After that, they lay a towel on the floor, and the one who makes the first step on it, will be the head of their future family. When the official ceremony is almost over, the mother-in-law covers bride’s head with a headscarf as the proof, that she accepts this girl as a member of the family.

Marriages with Russian brides are usually strong and successful. You can find your bride too, if you create an account at UFMA Kharkov http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com.

Not only the wedding, but the whole life will become interesting with a girl from Russia by your side. A lot of men have already found their second halves with the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) and left their testimonials: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/testimonials.htm. So join us and you won’t regret it.

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