понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

How We Take New Girls to UFMA


If you follow the news of our website, you might have noticed, that we don’t add hundreds of new girls to UFMA Kharkov every day. Of course, we are searching for new Russian brides and a lot of them come to our office and ask to add their profiles to our website. But we select the girls very carefully, that’s why only few of them end up here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/. And now I’d like to tell you the whole process of girl selection at our Ukraine marriage agency.

1. Incoming ladies

Actually, at this stage of the development of our agency, we’re rarely looking for the new girls. As usually, they come themselves. These are our own friends, relatives and acquaintances or the friends of our clients.

Taking into consideration, that we already know all the Ukrainian girls on our site, we can vouch for them. Sometimes we place an advertisement in a local newspaper. Still the lion’s share of Russian girls come to us themselves, and here starts the second and the most important stage of our selection.

2. Checking ladies

There’re two stages of an interview. First of all, we invite Ukrainian women to our office to fill in the blanks and answer our questions. We do it in order to understand, how serious their intentions are. If we see, that a girl is serious and responsible, we copy her documents and sign an agreement. After that her profile appears here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/new/

3. Photoshooting and the first steps on the site

Before we add a girl’s profile to a website, we take photos. We have a specially-equipped photo studio in our office, so when the girl gets our approval, she comes to our office and a professional photographer takes her photos. You can judge about the professionalism of our photographer if you look at the photos of our beautiful Ukraine women for marriage http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/onlineladies/.

Thus, you can see, that we prefer quality to quantity. Maybe there’re no so many girls at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov), but all of them are checked and we can guarantee you, that they have only serious intentions. So you are welcome to contact any of them, and then maybe even come to Ukraine http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/tours.htm in order to meet here our best women.

Do you like our women? Then give them "+1"

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