среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

It’s Thanksgiving soon. Will Ukraine celebrate?


Thanksgiving Day is not only a state holiday, but also one of the most popular festivals of the Americans and Canadians. The history of this holiday is long and full of secrets and mysteries. Nevertheless, its traditions came through many centuries and reached even Europe in general and Ukraine in particular. So nowadays, Thanksgiving Day as well as Halloween, became one of the most popular Ukrainian holidays and it was even enriched by some Ukrainian traditions and customs. So if you are a foreigner, who comes to Ukraine http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/tours.htm, you will feel here like at home.

The Ukrainian traditions of celebrating Thanksgiving don’t differ much from the American ones. Ukrainian women http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/aboutukrladies.htm invite all the members of the family to the feast. Very often it’s the only day during the whole year when they have an opportunity to see each other. They gather around the table and tell each other about their life and everything what happened with them during the last year. As it usually happens during Ukrainian holidays, everything is followed by lots of tasty dishes.

Also during this day people do a lot of charity work, donating money to the ones who need it the most or feeding homeless people.

Actually we can’t say that Thanksgiving is a new holiday here. Agriculture has always played an important role for the Ukrainians. That’s why the Ukrainian traditions to celebrate the plentiful harvest and to thank the God for his gifts are well-known. So no wonder that Thanksgiving was added to the list of Ukrainian holidays.

If you are interested in Ukraine and Ukrainian ladies, you can travel here, with the help of the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com. You will come to know lots of Ukrainian traditions and if you choose the right time, you will be able even to experience some of the Ukrainian holidays in Kharkov: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/kharkovcity.htm.

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